I won’t dwell on the negatives for long because there are too many positive things to reflect on. We all know the story, gain weight, lose weight, gain more back and the cycle continues. Never mind the impact my weight had on my body image, it held me back because I couldn’t even tie my shoes without having to take a minute to recover. I was unhealthy mentally and physically. I finally decided to meet with Dr. Umbach when I realized I was fighting a losing battle. I needed a boost in the right direction and that’s exactly what I received.
I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy in April 2015 weighing in at nearly 260 pounds. Over the next 11 months I dropped a total of 115 pounds to settle in at 145 and have been maintaining for 10 months. One bucket list item was to learn how to do a headstand and it was one of the first things I did. What a confidence booster! The physical boost is a perk but my mental health is what has benefited the most. I’m happy, confident, motivated, and centered in my wellbeing. Nothing can stop me or get me down. Every day is a step forward and another opportunity to grow in body and mind. Having surgery didn’t save my life, it gave me a new one and I try to make the most of it everyday.
*These are actual testimonials, however, individual results may vary. Price depends on multiple factors including health history and known insurance benefits. Program does not include airfare or meals.