Blossom clients receive a special discounted price $199 for lifetime access to the academy! Use the promo code: BARIBLOSSOM
Now offering the Bari-Boss Academy
— A self-paced, online coaching program with Certified Bariatric Coach, Tabitha Johnson!
parnered with
BariBoss offers one-on-one personalized virtual coaching over the phone, video chat and email. If you’re looking for additional support post-operatively, contact BariBoss to see how they can help!

For me,
bariatric surgery was an answer to prayer.
Tabitha Johnson
Safe Sleeve® Procedure with Dr. Matt
I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 7 years old and learned to cope with negative feelings by using food as my comfort source.
I would gain and lose 50 to 60 pounds at a time by working out and running, only to continue to obsess about food.
I learned about weight loss surgery through a friend and immediately scheduled a consultation with Blossom. For me, bariatric surgery was an answer to prayer.
I’ve lost over 100 pounds and continue to maintain my weight loss, but more importantly – I feel better than ever!
My body has drastically changed, but my mind still allows for some bad habits to continue. I’m not “cured” by any means, but I now am learning to be the boss of my own body and not allow myself to be a slave to food!
In addition to being a bariatric coach, I’m a licensed Marriage and Family therapist by trade, so I understand that in order to break bad habits, one needs direction and support.