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SIPS/Turbo Sleeve

After a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, or Safe Sleeve, some clients experience weight regain – or they never met the weight loss goal they originally set out for. This does NOT make you a failure!

We are excited to announce that we now have a secondary procedure to offer clients who need additional assistance achieving their desired weight loss.

Sips procedure diagramWhat Is the SIPS Procedure?

The single-anastomosis duodenal switch, also called stomach intestinal pylorus sparing surgery (SIPS) – or the Turbo Sleeve.

  1. Similar to the standard duodenal switch operation, except that the small intestine is only transected at the duodeum.
  2. The majority of the most stretchable portion of the stomach is permanently removed (as in a standard sleeve) but basic stomach function remains the same. (Since the procedure is only performed as a revision, there are no changes to the current ‘sleeve’ during the operation.)
  3. Roughly half of the small intestine is bypassed, resulting in a moderate decrease in calorie absorption.

Weight loss is achieved both through restriction of food consumption and malabsorption, which results in very good long-term weight loss maintenance.The SIPS procedure combines many of the benefits of both the gastric sleeve and the gastric bypass, including the following:

  • Approximately 70% of excess weight loss
  • Improvement/resolution in all major co-morbidities
  • Little risk of “dumping” syndrome
  • Provides predictable weight loss with great long-term success
  • Minimal side effects typical of the duodenal switch

Who Is a Candidate for The SIPS Procedure?

  • The ideal candidate for the SIPS procedure meets the following criteria:
  • Prior Gastric Sleeve Surgery, a minimum of 2 years post-op
  • BMI of 30+
  • Non-smoker
  • Generally healthy
  • Does not rely on NSAIDs for pain relief
  • Ability to take supplements for life post-surgery, and ability to draw labs 4 times a year for the first year, then yearly thereafter
  • Appropriate for outpatient surgery