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Weight Loss Surgery is Only for the Morbidly Obese

What does it mean to be morbidly obese? It generally means that you have a BMI of over 40 – or you have excess weight of 150 pounds or more. By this time, you may already have diabetes, sleep apnea, bad joints or other co-morbidities. We know from medical studies that it does not make sense to wait for all that to happen. It makes much more sense to do the surgery earlier on before the development of these issues.

Weight Loss Surgery is the ‘Easy Way Out’

One of the biggest misconceptions surrounding weight loss surgery is that it’s a ‘cop out’ – or something that you should try harder at. The problem is that the human body is not designed to lose weight. There are many things that happen when we gain weight, and then try to keep it off – our body sabotages the weight loss. We see many clients who have been on countless diets, have lost weight… just to put it back on – and then some! The reason these operations are successful is because they affect the hormones in the body; specifically, the hunger hormone called ghrelin. But if you do not have weight loss surgery, you cannot get rid of the hormones that are keeping the weight on.

Weight Loss Surgery Is Too Expensive

We believe the first thing you need to consider is that any medical condition is costly. Take diabetes for example – the cost of insulin therapy runs patients hundreds and hundreds of dollars. We strive to offer a competitive, comprehensive price for our weight loss procedures. We work with multiple insurance companies on your behalf to get you to surgery. We also offer multiple finance companies to help you pay for your procedure. We believe that once you weight the cost of surgery with the cost of obesity, you will agree the long term benefits out weight the cost!