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ReShape™ The Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure
Proven to help people achieve and maintain significant weight loss

The ReShape Procedure is an FDA approved, non-surgical approach to weight loss that is proven to help people achieve and maintain significant weight loss. The ReShape Procedure was specifically designed for patients with a lower BMI. In a clinical study, patients lost more than twice as much weight with ReShape than with diet and exercise alone. Most ReShape patients keep the weight off or continue to lose, even after the balloons are removed.
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Dual Balloon Technology
With ReShape, two connected balloons filled with saline (salt water) are placed temporarily inside your stomach in an outpatient medical setting. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes while you are comfortably sedated under light anesthesia. The balloons remain in the stomach for six months, helping you lose weight and encourage healthy eating habits by taking up room in your stomach. You can still eat the healthy foods you enjoy, but the balloons act as built-in portion control, helping you feel full and less hungry.
The balloons are a weight loss jump-start, and are only part of the procedure. You also receive a full year of personalized coaching to support your success and help you make the changes that will encourage a lifetime of healthy living. ReShape combines the portion-controlling benefits of the balloons with comprehensive coaching to change your eating habits, enhance your physical fitness, and help you adopt a healthy lifestyle that supports long-term success.

ReShape may be a good weight loss option for people o do not want or do not qualify for surgery.
The ReShape gastric balloon is not covered by insurance at this time.
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1. Ponce J, Woodman G, Swain J, et al; for the REDUCE Pivotal Trial Investigators. The REDUCE pivotal trial: a prospective, randomized controlled pivotal trial of a dual intragastric balloon for the treatment of obesity [published online ahead of print December 16, 2014]. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2014. 12.006.