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Gastric Sleeve

Weight Loss Surgery

What Is It?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive type of procedure that permanently reduces the size of the stomach, thereby limiting food intake as well as the sensation of hunger. This procedure does not involve intestinal rerouting or malabsorption unless followed by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and uses only the client’s own natural tissues.

Gastric sleeve is performed laparoscopically and removes approximately 80 percent of the client’s stomach along the greater curvature, leaving only a long tube (or “sleeve”) for the new – much smaller – stomach pouch. The new stomach pouch is then stapled, and the small intestine is left intact. As the removed portion of the stomach is where the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin is produced, we essentially rid you of hunger.

Blossom Bariatrics Patented Safe Sleeve® Procedure

As one of the first surgeons to perform a vertical sleeve gastrectomy in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Tom Umbach has many years of experience in perfecting his VSG technique.

Over the years, Dr. Tom has perfected the patented Safe Sleeve® – a unique and safer way to perform a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. The Safe Sleeve is performed laparoscopically and on an outpatient basis and only performed by Dr. Tom or his professionally trained surgeons at Blossom Bariatrics.

Learn more about Blossom Bariatrics Patented Safe Sleeve® technique.

All gastric sleeve procedures performed at Blossom Bariatrics and Warm Springs Surgical Center are done with this unique, patented approach.

Why Gastric Sleeve?

The gastric sleeve combines many of the benefits of both the gastric band and the gastric bypass; but without a foreign object and the many complications of the gastric band, including the following:

  • Performed laparoscopically as an outpatient surgery
  • Avoids the technical and long-term difficulties of the gastric bypass
  • No maintenance problems or artificial implants like those associated with gastric banding
  • Weight loss is comparable to that of the gastric bypass
  • The hunger hormone, ghrelin, is virtually eliminated
  • Significant improvements in diabetes, hypertension and sleep apnea
  • Recommended by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Coming From Out of State?

Learn about our Fast Track Program. Consult to surgery in as little as just 5 days!

Blossom Bariatrics’ team of compassionate professionals are dedicated to providing individualized client experience, radically innovative services and superior surgical skill in our exclusive outpatient surgery center setting. Our comprehensive program boasts consult to surgery in as little as 4 days with no pre-surgical testing, clearances or referrals required!