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Today is my new life anniversary, one year ago I take one of the best decision on my life the process has not been easy but the reward is pleasant. I never thought that my life can change this much, I never knew how bad I was until I be came to this healthy change. I’m out of any medication (migraine, antidepressant, anti-anxiety, antacids etc…) I came from size 18 to size “4”,  I lost all ready 88 lbs. My skin is just fine now, my sugar levels are great, my blood pressure is good, I do not snore any more, I can work out, overall my life is so much better, and I’m learning and implementing #paleo lifestyle.
Thanks for all you guys help.



*These are actual testimonials, however, individual results may vary. Price depends on multiple factors including health history and known insurance benefits. Program does not include airfare or meals.