What is it?
Dyslipidemia is a disorder of lipids—the fat-like substances in the blood. A common form of dyslipidemia is hyperlipidemia (or high cholesterol), the condition that exists when someone has too much of certain lipids in the blood. As these lipids build up inside the artery walls, harmful scar tissue and other debris begin thickening and hardening the walls. Doctors call this condition atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. While dyslipidemia may occur regardless of someone’s age, gender, or body mass, the disease tends to be more severe in the obese.
What success have clients found through bariatric surgery?
Recent research on the impact of weight loss surgery found that hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia were improved in more than 93 percent of clients.
*These are actual testimonials, however, individual results may vary. Price depends on multiple factors including health history and known insurance benefits. Program does not include airfare or meals.