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Urinary Stress Incontinence

Health Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada

What is it?

Among women, morbid obesity is a big risk factor for urinary stress incontinence, or uncontrollable urine loss. A large, heavy abdomen and relaxation of the pelvic muscles due to morbid obesity may cause the valve on the urinary bladder to weaken, leading to leakage of urine with coughing, sneezing, or laughing. While urinary stress incontinence may occur regardless of someone’s age, gender, or body mass, the condition tends to be more severe in the obese.

How is it affected by bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery has been found to improve urinary stress incontinence. Less weight is placed on the bladder, and other physical changes take place to improve this condition.

What success have clients found through bariatric surgery?

A 2000 study of 500 clients showed 97 percent resolution of urinary stress incontinence in clients after weight loss surgery.

*These are actual testimonials, however, individual results may vary. Price depends on multiple factors including health history and known insurance benefits. Program does not include airfare or meals.

Blossom Bariatrics’ team of compassionate professionals are dedicated to providing individualized client experience, radically innovative services and superior surgical skill in our exclusive outpatient surgery center setting. Our comprehensive program boasts consult to surgery in as little as 4 days with no pre-surgical testing, clearances or referrals required!

In the United States, more than 30 percent of adults are considered obese. Much more than an aesthetic concern, obesity can cause an array of health problems including diabeteshigh blood pressurehigh cholesterolsleep apnea, and osteoarthritis.

A common misconception about weight loss surgery is that it’s only for the morbidly obese. You may be surprised to find that you could be a candidate for weight loss surgery if you are only 50 pounds overweight. We believe it’s important to consider weight loss surgery even before major health issues arise.

While most overweight and obese individuals try to lose excess pounds through diet and exercise, many of them fail. Sometimes, the reason for failure is beyond one’s control because of genetics or disease. If you are one of these people, weight loss surgery might be the answer.

Client selection for bariatric surgery is based on the National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria, and the following:

  • For insurance clients: BMI greater than 27
  • For personal investment or financing clients BMI of 27 or greater
  • For Gastric Balloon clients: BMI greater than 27

We accept several different insurances. If you plan to use insurance, keep in mind your insurance may dictate if you are covered for surgical treatment of obesity, and if you are a candidate. They may require you to meet certain criteria before your procedure. To have our insurance specialist verify your benefits and eligibility, click here.


Calculate Your BMI Here

My BMI is:
Underweight less than 20
Normal 20-25
Overweight 25-30
Obese 30-40
Morbidly obese 40+