As we enter the new year and more people begin to refocus their efforts on healthy eating and exercise, it’s the perfect time to create a fitness calendar. This calendar will allow you to track your goals, actions and weight loss all in one place. Having this visual will allow you to review your progress on a regular basis and think about why you are or are not hitting your goals, and make adjustments as needed. The calendar should be posted in an area of your home where you will see it every day and be used to hold yourself accountable to your fitness goals.
Since the hardest part of any fitness routine is simply showing up, having a plan for fitness helps you stay motivated and committed to your health long after others new year’s fitness goals have expired. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of your fitness calendar:
- Use your calendar to make the best use of time. If you know there is a day that you will be short on time, go for quality vs. quantity and try circuit training.
- Be realistic when setting your goals so that you don’t set yourself up for failure.
- Be sure to stay flexible, and don’t beat yourself up when things go as planned. Instead, stay focused on a healthy lifestyle, eating habits and other healthy goals.
For ideas on what to include on your calendar or how to schedule it out, visit our Pinterest board:
To further help you meet your goals, a fitness tracker or an app includes the calendar as well as other features to help track miles, calories and heart rates. Many Blossom clients received a Blossom Movable Device in 2015 to better participate in our movable challenges. These clients were better able to track both their activity levels and intensity each day and make adjustments as needed. To find the best tracker for you, visit: