Hello, I’m Stephanie Ann with Image Empowering.
And I’m LaCheyva Edmotis with Image Empowering.
And we’re here to talk about Blossom Beauty.
We believe that every man and woman deserves to feel confident, valued, and sexy in their image. So we’re here to share Blossom Beauty with you.
Blossom Beauty is an amazing journey that we are going to personally take you on, so that we can tell you and show you how to dress that new you. You are going to have this new amazing body. Don’t you want to know how to dress your body type, know the colors that are going to express you in the best way possible? Well that’s why we’re here.
So join us for a free online class the third Tuesday of every month from 6-8. You can find that information at www.blossombariatrics.com.