Weight loss plateaus/stalls are a very common and frustrating issue for post op bariatric patients. When I am working with someone who is having trouble losing weight after surgery, despite doing everything right, there are a few things to look at, to see if we can uncover why they are hitting a weight loss plateau. You must always have a non-soy protein shake (whey or other plant-based) EVERYDAY! Eat only the Good Carbs from the Good carbs list provided in your Blossom Bariatrics binder. If you do not have your binder or would like to download the most recent version, Click Here.
Nutritional Imbalances
Let’s first talk about nutritional imbalances. Studies show these deficiencies are more widespread than you might imagine. Over 30 percent of bariatric diets fall short in nutrients like magnesium and Vitamins C, E, and A. Over 80 percent of Americans have low Vitamin D levels. 9 out of 10 people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids which, among other things, help cool inflammation and control blood sugar levels. Take all supplements recommended – again there are specific options in your Blossom Bariatrics binder or on our Online Store.
Gut Microbe Imbalances
We have over 1,000 species of bugs in our gut, and bacteria cells out number our own cells 10 times over! We call this the microbiome – it’s the place where all these beneficial bacteria live and work within us to maintain a healthy gut. From both an animal and human models, we know that the bacteria in our gut can have profound effects on weight and metabolism, through many types of mechanisms. Some bacteria extract more energy from food, leading to weight gain, while other bacteria will extract less energy from your food, leading to weight loss. Studies have shown that taking the gut bacteria from a thin mouse and putting it into a fat mouse can cause the fat mouse to lose dramatic amounts of weight without changing its diet. Some bacteria trigger inflammation leading to a leaky gut, while others are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation triggers insulin resistance and diabetes, independent of your caloric intake. So, clearly, it’s important to heal your gut if it is damaged by imbalances.
There are some things you can do on your own to cultivate a healthy micro biome. Take the probiotics recommended. Eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods. One of the best ways to maintain gut health involves cutting out the sugar and starchy carbs! Eat only the Good Carbs (pages 35 and 72 in your Blossom Binder). Eat good fats and get an oil change. The good fats we mentioned earlier in class and in your binders (like omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil) will help with decreasing inflammation, giving healthy gut bugs a chance to flourish. Supplement smartly. Studies find omega-3 fatty acids can support healthy gut flora, aside from their other numerous benefits, like reducing inflammation. Add more coconut. Studies demonstrate anti-inflammatory and weight loss benefits from adding Medium Chain Triglyceride or MCT oils. Some of my favorite fats, coconut oil and coconut butter, contains these fabulous fat-burning MCTs. Remove inflammatory fats. Cut out bad, inflammatory omega-6 rich fats like vegetable oils, canola and corn oil. Replace these with healthier oils like extra-virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Add fiber-rich foods. Nuts, seeds, and fiber from the Good Carbs list.
Inflammation and Immune Function
Your fat cells produce inflammatory molecules that perpetuate weight gain and disease. Other factors can trigger weight-gain inducing inflammation, independent of caloric intake. There are many other triggers for inflammation that also promote weight gain – including:
- infections (such as viruses)
- mold toxins
- environmental toxins
- food allergens (such as gluten and dairy)
- A poor-quality processed diet that is high in sugar and omega-6 refined oils, and low in fiber.
All of these trigger inflammation, which then creates insulin resistance and promotes weight gain.
As always, refer to your Blossom Bariatrics Binder or call us anytime with specific nutrition questions!