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Nutrition, Fitness & Diet

Things You Must do Every Day After Bariatric Surgery

Hello. This is Michelle Phelan, nutritionist at Blossom Bariatrics, where expertise meets true compassion. We’re always here for you before, during, and after your weight loss surgery procedure–because it’s the after that’s the most important part.

Folks, today we’re going to talk about those “Gotta Do ‘Ems.” Those are the things you have to do every day for the rest of your life to ensure your health and happiness after bariatric surgery.

The first thing that we need to focus on every day is making sure you get your protein–at least 64 ounces of protein a day, at least. A little bit more never hurts. So, the best way to do that is start your day with protein. The next thing I always tell our patients to do–and this is one of the things that I suggest every day–is to have three bites of your protein and then one bite of your vegetables, and this way it ensures that you are getting adequate amounts of protein every day and every meal.

The next thing I always, always recommend is take your supplements every day. This is so important for so many things; malnutrition is only the beginning. So, it’s so important to take your supplements every day.

The next thing, of course, one of those other “Gotta Do ‘Ems” is make sure you drink your fluids, folks, at least 64 ounces of water or sugar-free alternatives every day. Remember the 80/20% rule. 80% should be pure filtered water and 20% can be other sugar-free fluid choices.

Some more “Gotta Do ‘Ems” is exercise 5 times a week–at least 30 minutes every time.

Also make sure to you use your stomach as the tool that it was designed to be. Your stomach will tell you, or your pouch will tell you, when you’re full.

Maintain healthy food choices. Folks, just eat real food–whole foods that you have to prepare and cook. Plan your meals ahead of time. Take your lunches with you to work. And always use whey protein or whey protein smoothies or shakes as a replacement if you cannot get a meal in.

Folks, here’s a “Blossom Bite.”

To make sure you’re getting in your 64 ounces of fluid or water a day, download for free on your smart phone the Hy app. H-Y app. That application helps you set timers for when your next water intake should be and it counts how many ounces each time that you’re actually getting. It’s a wonderful application. It works on smart phones and iPhones. I highly recommend it. It’s called the Hy app. H-Y and then app.

Make sure to visit our website at for other information or if you have any additional questions.

Until next time here’s to a healthier, happier you.