Hi, I’m Michelle Phelan, nutritionist at Blossom Bariatrics. Today we are going to answer some frequently asked questions from our patients.
Tamara from Thousand Oaks, California asks “I had gastric bypass six months ago and my doctor told me that my B vitamins are low after he ran a blood test. I take a multi. Isn’t this enough?”
Well Tamara, that is a really great question and unfortunately, sometimes a multi is not enough for many bariatric patients.
On top of a practitioner grade, bariatric formula in your multi vitamin, all patients should be taking additional B vitamins, preferably a B complex, with the active form of B12 called methylcobalamin.
I hope you found this information useful. If you have any additional questions, please visit us at www.blossombariatrics.com.
Until next time. Have a healthy day.